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In one day is impossible to make miracles and improve for five grades. But it can give you motivation and idea what and how to do the first or 95th step to achieving your victory.


With climbing camps for one or two weeks of climbing are the best if you want to get to the next level. You will learn new techniques to improve old ones and start climbing at a higher level.


Every person is different so I can help you plan your next perfect climbing trip according to your needs. We can add in it some coaching and finish with photo shooting so you can take home not only memories and used skin.


Best looking gym in the world doesn’t help you if you don’t have good routes/boulders to climb on. Make sure you have the best ones.


Do you need the motivation to start planning your next trip? I can help you with sharing some of my moments climbing trips around the world.


Everyone needs an awesome photo from his hardest route. Or maybe you would like to learn how to make it yourself? Anja can help you with that.


Looking for a climbing partner for one day or two or just want to try climbing for the first time. We will guide you all over Slovenia all year round.


Are you one of those wives, girlfriends, dudes, partners, or friends who don't climb, but you belay your loved ones and don't know if you're doing it right or not? Then this one is right for you. 

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